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Governors work as a team. Local Governing Bodies are responsible for making sure the school provides a good quality education for all pupils. Raising educational standards in school is a key priority. This has the best chance of happening when there are high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

Governors monitor the effectiveness of the school and ensure the school is compliant in implementing policies set by the Tyne Community Learning Trust board. They do this together with the head teacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. Head teachers are recruited and selected by trustees and governors - and most head teachers choose to be governors themselves.

Governing bodies are accountable to parents, the local community and the Tyne Community Learning Trust Board. Appointments are usually for four years. The governing body's main role is to help the school to provide an excellent standard of education and improve outcomes for pupils.

Academy Governors are appointed by the TCLT board.

Staff Governors are elected by the staff body.

Parent Governors are elected by the parent body.

Mr Colin Harwood

Chair / Academy Governor

05/10/2021- 04/10/2025

Lynsey Briddock

Vice Chair / Academy Governor

01/09/2023- 31/08/2027

Richard Oades

Head Teacher

Governor by virtue of position
01/09/2019 -

Mrs Lynn Liss

Academy Governor

17/11/2021- 16/11/2025

Mrs Ann Moore

Academy Governor

08/04/2022- 07/04/2026

Mrs Charlotte Mountford

Parent Governor

12/10/2022- 11/10/2026

Mrs Jenny Bullock

Academy Governor

02/11/2022 - 01/11/2026

Mrs Jenny Jewitt

Staff Governor

13/03/2023 - 12/03/2027

Mr David Leat

Link Trustee from TCLT board

Mr Stuart Rutherford-Orrock

Staff Governor

01/09/2019- 28/02/2023 (Stepped down)

Mrs Sarah Eden

Academy Governor

17/11/2021 - 27/01/2023 (Stepped Down)

Mrs Vicki Norton

Parent Governor

01/09/2019 - 27/07/2022 (Stepped Down)

Mrs Nichola Hall

Academy Governor

06/02/2020 - 11/04/2022 (Stepped Down)